#ablebodiesandstones – research blog – residency at Klub Mlejn


In the beginning of this year 2021 I was lucky enough to travel to Prague to work with my friend, the amazing artist Stéphanie N’Duhirahe. It felt like travelling to the Eastern Bloc before 1989 – instead of a visa I needed a work permit, a negative Corona test, and registration – but the fear of not being allowed to enter felt exactly the same like travelling to Czech Republic in the 1980s.

As before, I will start this research diary blog post by feeling into my body and into the bodies of my guests. Trying to find out about our abilities and to evaluate what able bodies feel like. I am not trying to pretend that I do not have an able body. I am not trying to victimize my body in order to appropriate minority positions. I am very much aware that at this moment my body is more able than most bodies, I am aware of my position of norm and power in this ableist society. Or at least, I am trying to.

But this might come later…
I am in the middle of preparing another premiere „HochZuhaus“, and my brain is not tuned for writing at the moment. But I really want to share some pictures of this residency – as always when I’m in Prague: fotos by the wonderful Vojtěch Brtnický.

#AbleBodiesAndStones meets Šrámy / la débattue
Guest artist: Stéphanie N’Duhirahe (well to be exact, this time I was her guest!)

#AbleBodiesAndStones, Foto: Vojtech Brtnicky

#AbleBodiesAndStones meets Šrámy / la débattue, Foto: Vojtech Brtnicky

#AbleBodiesAndStones meets Šrámy / la débattue, Foto: Vojtech Brtnicky

#AbleBodiesAndStones, Foto: Vojtech Brtnicky

Šrámy / la débattue, Foto: Vojtech Brtnicky

#AbleBodiesAndStones meets Šrámy / la débattue, Foto: Vojtech Brtnicky

#AbleBodiesAndStones, Foto: Vojtech Brtnicky


Infos about Stéphanie N’Duhirahe

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