"To imagine her as wife and mother was simply stupid; a wife and mother, or even anyone who could possibly be
thought of as one, does not hang head-down from a trapeze[...] An unapproachable Amazon of the realms of space beneath the canvas, high above the crowd, whose lust for her was transformed into aw."
Thomas Mann in Felix Krull (1909)
This quote lists the only roles attributed to us women. This being a paternalistic, objectifying reduction is obvious – there is still a lot of enlightenment to do. Circus women, acrobats and other performers, are the best example to show the wide range of femininities, androgynities, and other identities of women. I love researching this, I love finding forgotten women, to bring them to life, and to show their fantastic stories to the world.
Publications, exhibitions, lecture performances and more
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